Mental health blog day 53

To day has been pretty good I’ve felt in a really good shape of mind, I got some editing done and met my new gp, or one of them at least she seems really nice which is always a bonus.

My mum came in with me while it was the first time I was meeting the doctor I explained how I had been feeling and what had been going on.
She was really nice and kind and really listened to me and what I was saying to her, she said that they could really look at my meds if they needed changing or anything just yet because my old doctors hadn’t sent my notes across, but still the fact she actually listened to me was a big help.

After the doctors I went shopping with mum, which was cool has we haven’t done that for a while I love shopping with Mum.
I even started doing Christmas shopping, I can hear the boos now, But still today i have felt really good and happy, i did have a moment where I came up stairs and just lay on the bed and wanted to sleep for a bit but some how I managed to get my self out of it and after a while I felt ok again.

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